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About Us

A Transformative Learning Experience

Over 1 million children are arrested every year in the U.S., with 500,000 sent to detention.  On any given night, 43,000 are in lock-up - the juvenile justice equivalent of jail.


At the Institute of Juvenile Justice Ministries, we want to turn this crisis into an opportunity.  

Our transformative learning experience was created to provide effective, affordable - or cost-free - training for everyone interested in juvenile justice ministry. 

Courses are available on the Udemy online learning platform  and can be taken for ministry certification or college credit.   Individuals learn at their own pace, track their progress, and submit proof of completion to receive certification or credit.

Our passionate and skilled team members are here to support you.  Are you ready to make a difference in the world? Join us!


To get started, email



About: About Us


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